Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Megavolts (MV) to volts (V) conversion chart

Megavolts (MV) to volts (V) conversion Chart And Other Table
1 MV=100000volts

D B Electric-Google+

With many advancements in Lithium-Ion Battery technology it is possible to make unlimited energy from dc to ac power 7/24/365. Large projects of this type are being done in the US and are grid tied MV ratings. Storing dc energy and converting to MV ac output.

So use this same principle but scaled down for residential and small business useage onsite remote locations worldwide with unlimited energy power. Many benefits of linking/sharing/island trunked of transmission are possible.

Plug and play electronics is the way to make it all possible with pre wired cabling. 

Once again it's all in the numbers concerning energy requirements. Watt load matched to customer daily output. With electronics linked for monitoring support & troubleshooting issues. Unlimited energy is achievable, possible and ready! Your very own power plant operating KV voltages for your KW  120/240 volts secondary needs and never a monthly utility bill. Wind and Solar charging make it all possible any where any time 7/24/365.

Consulting Options Available 
By A Retired Master Electrician
With Over 40 Years Of Experience


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